Monday 20 June 2016

MongoDB wired tiger configuration

How to configure the wired tiger storage engine

Today I spent time configuring a mongoDB instance to use the wired tiger storage engine. This is the default in version 3.2 but has to be manually configured for prior versions. I found that the official documentation lists all the available options that can be specified, but does not show any useful YAML formatted examples of how the completed configuration file should look.

As such I though that this post would be useful for anyone else in a similar predicament.

To start, the storage.engine needs to be set to wiredTiger.

engine: "wiredTiger"

This is new in version 3.0 and the default in v3.2.

The other options we need to amend / update / include are:

cacheSizeGB - This value is a number and we should use the larger of either:

    60% of RAM minus 1 GB, or 1 GB.
journalCompressor - The Default is snappy. The option is used to set the type of compression which will be used to compress the WiredTiger journal data. Other available  compressors options are: none or zlib.

directoryForIndexes - The Default is false. This option determines whether mongodb should stores indexes and collections in separate sub-directories under the data directory.

blockCompressor - The Default is again snappy. This option determines the default type of compression to use to compress collection data. Other options are: none or zlib.

prefixCompression - The Default is true . This option enables or disables prefix compression for index data.

The completed storage of the config file should look similar to the below.


DBA Stack Exchange - Sample YAML Configuration Files for MongoDB

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