Friday, 26 April 2019

Oracle - Copy data from A to B while rejecting duplicates

Copying data from table A to B while rejecting duplicates


An easy way to copy data from one table to another while ignoring duplicate records is by using the DBMS_ERRLOG package.

The DBMS_ERRLOG package provides a procedure that enables you to create 
an error logging table so that DML operations can continue after encountering 
errors rather than abort and roll back.

To start off you need to create a logging table.

The syntax for creating the table is as follows:

   dml_table_name            IN VARCHAR2,
   err_log_table_name        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   err_log_table_owner       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   err_log_table_space       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   skip_unsupported          IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);

To creates a logging table, only the table name is required.

 exec dbms_errlog.create_error_log('TableA');

This create a table called ERR$_TableA in the current schema based on the table TableA.

You can then copy data from the source table to the target. Duplicate records are rejected and logged but the statement will not fail.

INSERT INTO my_schema.TableB
FROM my_schema.TableA
LOG ERRORS INTO my_schema.ERR$_TableA ('already exists') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;


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